
Getting Started

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Getting Started

The ways possible to getting started making emulsions are as varied as our individual personalities.  Some people are happiest waiting until they have a full lab in place and have read all the literature they can get their hands on; others want to give things a try with the minimum fuss and expense.  In a field as broad and deep as emulsion making, any approach that leads to a print or a glass plate or coated film is the right approach.  The Light Farm will try to speak to all strategies as we grow and benefit from the experiences of our contributing editors.

Below is my darkroom and setup for making emulsions.  I came to all this from many years of darkroom experience, both personal and commercial, so I had a lot of 'stuff' in place and I enjoy scrounging and inventing.  That path is not necessary to get started.  A very minimal amount of experience and equipment will do very nicely.  Learning a few basic vocabulary words and a couple of chemistry concepts is all that's needed.  For some, that's all that will ever be needed to create the art they feel.  For others, it will be the foundation of more elaborate explorations. 

I am continually exploring new avenues and looking for ways to improve on what I'm doing.  My workflow adapts accordingly.  I wouldn't begin to pretend I know all there is to know about emulsions.  (Actually, I'm counting on there always being something new to learn.)  As I find a better or different way to do something, I'll pass it on.  That will be the goal of all our contributing editors.

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